• Tags: book
Ion Ţuculescu
Ion Ţuculescu
Ion Ţuculescu
Ion Ţuculescu
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu's works in foreign language
Ceauşescu UTC member, Ceauşescu the young communist
Ceauşescu UTC member, Ceauşescu the young communist
Ceauşescu UTC member, Ceauşescu the young communist
Ceauşescu UTC member, Ceauşescu the young communist
Ceauşescu UTC member, Ceauşescu the young communist
UTC Conference, 5th of February
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
reproductions, Union
Universităţii Bookshop
Universităţii Bookshop
Universităţii Bookshop
Universităţii Bookshop
Universităţii Bookshop
pupils, High-school nr. 21
General Assembly, hall
General Assembly, hall
General Assembly, hall
General Assembly, hall
General Assembly, hall
General Assembly, hall
Tudor Jardă
Tudor Jardă
reproduction Eminescu, Micle
reproduction Eminescu, Micle
reproduction Eminescu, Micle
reproduction Eminescu, Micle
reproduction Eminescu, Micle
reproduction Eminescu, Micle
Aranyosegerbegy, Ioan Dragotă
Aranyosegerbegy, Ioan Dragotă
Aranyosegerbegy, Ioan Dragotă
Aranyosegerbegy, Ioan Dragotă
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
reproductions, Milescu
Luţu with the train
Luţu with the train
Luţu with the train
Luţu with the train
Teachers' Day
Teachers' Day
Teachers' Day
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Universităţii bookstore
Gheorgheni, Hargita, for the Dolgozó Nő (Working woman)
Gheorgheni, Hargita, for the Dolgozó Nő (Working woman)
Gheorgheni, Hargita, for the Dolgozó Nő (Working woman)
girls from Câţcău
girls from Câţcău
Beliş-Fântânele, girl
Beliş-Fântânele, girl
Beliş-Fântânele, girl
Beliş-Fântânele, girl
autumn in the park, Luţu
autumn in the park, Luţu
autumn in the park, Luţu
autumn in the park, Luţu
Scridon Sanda
Scridon Sanda
Scridon Sanda
Scridon Sanda